£UNA Mientus
samica / sow
data ur./date of birth: 22.11.2006
hod.: Danuta ¯muda
II Miêdzynarodowa Wystawa Œwinek Morskich: 93,5pkt/100 (sêdzia Petr Tejml)
Ojciec/Sire: TOBBY Cavia Bohemia merino buff/white |
BARNEY od Zlataka coronet buff/white |
ARAMIS coronet satin red |
GRACE Snehurka sheltie red/white |
HONEY BEE O'LA LA coronet satin buff/white |
CIPISEK od Gracie merino satin buff |
HONEY de Grande sheltie buff/white |
Matka/Dam: SASZA vom Rotenberg merino choco/white/buff |
DIEGO vom Rosenreck merino chocolate/cream/white |
YARIS the Flintstone merino chocolate/cream/white |
INDIA von Heidkeiten merino chocolate/cream/white |
SYDNEY vom Elfenland merino chocolate/orange/white |
MR BEAN merino chocolate/cream/white |
COLLIN merino chocolate/orange/white |